Hazel Woodland Products
Charcoal burning in Rawhaw Wood
Hazel Woodland Products
Partners in "Building the Links for Rockingham Forest"
Hugh Ross and Carolyn Church have maintained a unique and sustainable lifestyle in Rawhaw Wood for many years. The wood, lying north of the village of Pipewell, is one of England's designated Ancient Woodlands and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It has a history of coppice management that goes back over 400 years and that tradition is continuing today.
Hugh and Carolyn produce a range of natural products from hazel including stakes and binders for traditional hedge laying, pea and beans sticks, and rustic furniture. They also make high-quality charcoal for barbecues and for artists' use.

As part of the Building the Links project, Hugh and Carolyn will be offering:
Training courses to teach the traditional skills of coppice management and charcoal making.
Guided walks around Rawhaw Wood. Some of these will be for the general public, some tailored for families and special groups.
For details cof coming training and walks please see the Events page
Contact details

Please feel free to phone if you would like to discuss volunteering to help out with the work in Rawhaw Wood, or for any other matter.